There has been a evolution of information:
- The information superhighway
- User driven
- Interactive
- Collaborative
2. Information Ocean
- Can't control the ebb and flow of information
- Kids need instruction to stay afloat
Teenagers now referred to as screenagers. They are digital natives. They use their thumbs (from texting) the way we use our pointer fingers.
Pew Internet-Teens, Privacy, and Online Social Networks
Alice referred to students by their millennial characteristics. I found an interesting PPT on how it effects them as students.
She commmented that we are teaching digital kids analog skills. We are in 1950s buildings using 1990s technology with a 1980s curriculum.
We should be looking at contextual learning
You can also visit Alice's site to look at information skills.
Pam Berger-Learning in the Web 2.0 world lists survival skills
The 3 rs!
- Reasoning
- Graphic literacy
- Context
- Focus
2. Reconnoitering
- Navigation
- Skepticism
3. Responsibility
- Ethical Behavior
What is Reasoning?
- Asking
- Arranging
- Assessing
What is Reconnoitering?
- choosing the best path
- how/when/where
- balancing choices
- building bridges
- using the best practices
- Using thinking skill to navigate
What is Responsibility?
- This is the most important skill.
- Fair use of information
- giving credit
- having a conscious
- consequences for actions
David Warlick (Of the 2cents blog) stated "No generation in history has ever been so thoroughly prepared for the industrial age.)
Alice closed with this quote from Plato:
"The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life."
Very eye opening!