Great handouts were provided. She will be sending these in to be posted on the website that Bernie Tomasso said was being created to house them.
Ideas for Advocacy
Breakfast and bulbs
When the AV position was cut at Corning West High School, Jane invited her teachers to bring down their overhead projectors to clean them and teach them to change the bulb. They had breakfast, got a can of air and a new light bulb.
Go to high profile events (so the parents & students see you)
- concerts, plays
- sporting events
- be a club advisor
- go to school events and award programs
Call attention to the extra jobs you do
Write up professional/library events and send them to the district office to be included in the district/building/parent newsletters.
Ask yourself what you can volunteer for-be a part of the school community.
Write grants-even the ones for $100 that come from the Teacher Center
Write up an annual report to hand in at the end of the year. You can include:
- Database usage statistics
- Library usage statistics
- Special programs
- Collaborative projects
- Professional accomplishments
Write for professional journals-not only for library ones but for ones the teachers/administrators subscribe to. She mentioned that we provide services for all and our reports/articles should reflect this.
There's a powerpoint on plagiarism on the state website.
Create a library brochure for your home teachers so they know what services the library has for them and their students.
Be the building expert on something-copyright, plagiarism, international books, etc.
Two books mentioned:
Building Influence in Your Library
Powertools Recharged
Jane also mentioned that Mansfield University offers a 1 credit online course for principals on School libraries.