If you need a great laugh today, read this post by the Annoyed Librarian. The comments are great as well! Some of these course will even make the "hard-core" librarians chuckle!
LIS 501: Library Politics
LIS 502: Appearance and Deception
LIS 503: Doing the Work
LIS 504: Library Organization
From the comments:
LIS ABC123: Stirring the Pot
LIS 2112 Advanced Self-Promotion: Marketing "You", the Brand.
"Library Meetings,"
LIS 623: Abnormal psychology
LIS 1000 How Not To Deal with Perverts@ Your Library
LIS 583b Bandwagoning
L-ChiLib 101, how to be the Children's Librarian
LIS 5050: The Gentle Art of Negotiating
LIS599 Special Topics: Suburban Librarianship for Urban Librarians
LIS 509 Library Obsolescence
LIS 6666 - Defense against the Dark Arts - Cataloging and Technical Services
LIS 560: Library Productivity & Patrons
LIS 001 "Introduction to Actual Librarianship: Practice and Theory"
LIS 5233 Porn and You
LIS 4552 Managerial Support
LIS 4812 They Pay Your Salary
LIS 2546: My Cats Are My Children
LIS 666 - Subordinates Who Sabotage
LIS 911 - Coping with Committees
LIS 517: Strategies for Low Income Areas
LIS 516: Self Defence Techniques
LIB 609: Employee Relations-Post Menopausal
LIS800 Librarian Shabby Chic
LIS 666 How to become invisible
LIS 401/WHN 101: Theory and Practice of Whining "I'm a Librarian, so I whine, whine ergo sum"
LIS D0L3: How to Marry/Partner Well
LIS 505: How to Schmooze(Second semester to Library Politics)
LIS L1011: Rural Conservative Librarianship for the Urban Librarian.
LIS L1012: Urban Liberal Librarianship for the Real Librarian.
Dealing with Your Board
LIS 522: You're Here for Us!
LIS 434: Administrative Flattery
LIS 501: Creative Financing
LIS 561: Putting on Blinders
LS901/BA401- Identify and Acquire Essential Funding.
LIS 2713 Communicating with Trustees
LIS 2714 Long-Range Plan Communication: Persuading Administration to Share the Plan with the Staffmembers who Are Supposed to Be Implementing It
LIS 2715 Annual Report Communication: Persuading Administration to Share the Report with the Community that It Is Supposed to Be Serving
LIS 404: Information Technology for Librarians
LIS2001: Seminar on National Leadership: Administration of Professional Organizations
LIS 556: How to avoid land mines
LIS PU123: Identify that smell.
LIB 666: Surviving in the presence of Evil
You will have to read the descriptions to get what the "course" is about. A great laugh for anyone involved with libraries.
LIS 501: Library Politics
LIS 502: Appearance and Deception
LIS 503: Doing the Work
LIS 504: Library Organization
From the comments:
LIS ABC123: Stirring the Pot
LIS 2112 Advanced Self-Promotion: Marketing "You", the Brand.
"Library Meetings,"
LIS 623: Abnormal psychology
LIS 1000 How Not To Deal with Perverts@ Your Library
LIS 583b Bandwagoning
L-ChiLib 101, how to be the Children's Librarian
LIS 5050: The Gentle Art of Negotiating
LIS599 Special Topics: Suburban Librarianship for Urban Librarians
LIS 509 Library Obsolescence
LIS 6666 - Defense against the Dark Arts - Cataloging and Technical Services
LIS 560: Library Productivity & Patrons
LIS 001 "Introduction to Actual Librarianship: Practice and Theory"
LIS 5233 Porn and You
LIS 4552 Managerial Support
LIS 4812 They Pay Your Salary
LIS 2546: My Cats Are My Children
LIS 666 - Subordinates Who Sabotage
LIS 911 - Coping with Committees
LIS 517: Strategies for Low Income Areas
LIS 516: Self Defence Techniques
LIB 609: Employee Relations-Post Menopausal
LIS800 Librarian Shabby Chic
LIS 666 How to become invisible
LIS 401/WHN 101: Theory and Practice of Whining "I'm a Librarian, so I whine, whine ergo sum"
LIS D0L3: How to Marry/Partner Well
LIS 505: How to Schmooze(Second semester to Library Politics)
LIS L1011: Rural Conservative Librarianship for the Urban Librarian.
LIS L1012: Urban Liberal Librarianship for the Real Librarian.
Dealing with Your Board
LIS 522: You're Here for Us!
LIS 434: Administrative Flattery
LIS 501: Creative Financing
LIS 561: Putting on Blinders
LS901/BA401- Identify and Acquire Essential Funding.
LIS 2713 Communicating with Trustees
LIS 2714 Long-Range Plan Communication: Persuading Administration to Share the Plan with the Staffmembers who Are Supposed to Be Implementing It
LIS 2715 Annual Report Communication: Persuading Administration to Share the Report with the Community that It Is Supposed to Be Serving
LIS 404: Information Technology for Librarians
LIS2001: Seminar on National Leadership: Administration of Professional Organizations
LIS 556: How to avoid land mines
LIS PU123: Identify that smell.
LIB 666: Surviving in the presence of Evil
You will have to read the descriptions to get what the "course" is about. A great laugh for anyone involved with libraries.