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Showing posts from 2009

Policies target Student-teacher cybertalk If this passes-what a huge impact on education! Louisiana is trying to pass a law monitoring student/teacher communication. I don't know about you but I have my students email me papers that need to be converted, book reviews, etc. If they are doing research, I forward them article that might help. What a mess this will make! Hopefully legislators will think twice about this one.

The Big Read

Our community is doing The Big Read-which is a partnership between the school district and the public library. The last Big Read we did was To Kill a Mockingbird. The school district librarians got together and chose elementary appropriate books that our high school students came over to read. We handed out bookmarks and discussed the book with anyone who wanted to listen. Books with a similiar theme were ordered for all the school This year our book is Love Medicine. The school librarians have been excluded from any of the events. There will be no books ordered. I asked what time the author would be visiting to receive a - What business is it of mine? (Well...I was thinking....books, authors, this certainly sounds like something the library supports.) How have we come to a pass when a community reading event is taking place and the school librarians are excluded?