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Showing posts from October, 2006


Ok -I admit, I am as IM crazy as anyone. I have accounts with AOL, Yahoo! & MSN . I found a cool site Meebo . At this site you can log into all the other chat sites you use and it lists them down the right hand column. You only need to log into Meebo and set your profile to log in your accounts automatically. I also created the widget that is on this page. I named him Rex after Stephanie Plum's hamster in Janet Evanovich's books about the New Jersey bounty hunter. Please feel free to IM me if I am on.

Teen Second Life snags a library

For those of you who haven't heard of Teen Second Life here's a blurb that describes it quite well: "Teen Second Life is a 3-D, international gathering place on the Internet where teens 13-17 can make friends, play, learn and create. Teens create a digital version of themselves, called an avatar, that they use to travel around the "virtual world," meet new people and participate in a variety of activities." This was an announcement from Oct 6th: Charlotte, NC - Oct. 6, 2006 -The Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (PLCMC) and the Alliance Library System are pleased to announce a partnership to collaborate on the "Eye4You Alliance," an island in Teen Second Life that will offer virtual library services to teens. If any of you attended the 2006 SLMS conference in Rochester, NY you heard Chris Harris (aka Infomancy) discuss the possibilities of Second Life. It is nice to see a libra...


If you ever get a chance to take a workshop on Blogs, Podcasts, or Wikis-do it! Our local GST Boces is offering classes on these topics. Here are some notes: ---Wikis--- You can create new pages You can edit other people's pages, unless someone else is editing Not all wikis have to be logged into, not all are free. If you want a closed wiki, you have to pay. Wikis allow you to edit (and others). What I Know Is....(wiki) Collaborative space Good place for peer editing You information can be changed by others.... England Wiki site: Free Wiki sites: ---Podcast--- Cross between radio and blogging should be scripted before broadcasting Takes advantage of RSS ---Blogs--- Online journal/diary You can comment on a blog but alter a wiki